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Add a Complete Expandable Social Network Widget

Hemant Verma - 12:16 PM

As we many time our team provide you many social widgets related with social subscription widget for Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, etc. but this widget is fully optimized with the all Social Network like FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, P interest,  Youtube, RSS and this widget has very awesome feature of expandable hover effect with colors according to social network's color. This widget is simply made by using the CSS and HTML and this widget is pure CSS with images of icons, if this widget is made by using the CSS so it's very perfect as working and no javascript so the speed of this widget of hovering is very smooth according to the browser's compatibility just be'coz every browser can support it's smoothness like in Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Opera etc.The feelness of this widget is very smooth and shining and the widget's icon is in the HD and round able which gives a very unique feel to this widget in it's own. 

Add Expandable Social Network Widget

  • Login to Blogger 
  • Fill the details in below generator.
  • Click on Generate Button
  • Copy that generated code.
  • Paste in HTML/JavaScript Widget OR paste that code where you want to show it.

Credit of Generator:-

If Any Problem Comes, Ask in Commnets


  1. yes its nice widget & I really love it because I have Developed this widget generator.


  2. @Ashu Insanbro when i was publishing it, my lapi's battery was down so can't give u credit. but check now. sorry I didn't ask u.

  3. Awsome! i love it. thanks sir^^

  4. hi can I fixed(float) this widget on the left side of the window


You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> </a> <b> </b><strong> </strong>


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