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Build Link in Just 15 Min While Have Taste of Butter Slices | Cracking Strategies

Hemant Verma - 9:31 PM
The link Building is perhaps one of the SEO factors that has changed in recent years. From an artificial link building and quantity we were doing in the past and in future a quality link building and natural should be done in 2015. All these changes have prompted the advent of Penguin algorithm , which makes a clear distinction between natural and positive links, and which are artificial and are therefore negative for any domain, and that can bring us to the loss of organic visibility and even greater penalty .

When we are beginners in SEO and we want to position our web design, link building seems a complex issue and we will have a millions of questions to our head. But to help and to resolve some of these questions I will indicate a number of very basic tips to do link building in a very natural way. But before you start with the basic tips I threw a hotly debated question since the arrival of Panda 4.0 in May, and is:

Is it possible to do a good SEO by just creating a great content without link building?
According to  "Fishking Rand" tells us that it is possible but only in specific cases or scenarios, but keep in mind that only quality content will not allow us to reach the top of a term with a lot of competition.

Basic Tips of Natural Link Building in 2015

1. Few but good links

If you begin to position yourself in the Google search engine you need to start a good link building strategy that allows you to get a few links but strategic. They get to boost your SEO and increase authority.
Link building quantity leads to a quality link building -  #SEO

2. Links on the same topic

We must always remember the word naturalness and ease that the best sites are linking me to same subject or sector.

Avoid links to pages that have nothing to see as our industry because Google could make these links as artificial, and therefore could be negative for our domain.

There is a simple way to analyze the links of greater authority within my competence, we use our Open site explorer, because with this tool you can find quality sites of our own topic where you can get a quality link to our site.

3. Balancing "dofollow" links and "nofollow" links

If you want your Link Building strategy is better seen and accepted by the browser you have to strike a balance between links "dofollow" and links "nofollow".

Both links "dofollow" links as "nofollow" are positive for any website providing these links come from a quality site and a theme similar to mine.

4. Natural growth and according to my project

Google has matured their algorithm Penguin 3.0 to find low quality links or artificial, and a lot to hide you, if you've been a "bad boy" and purchased links, sooner or later you will find your site disappears from finder.

How do I link building natural?

It should be assumed that the link building is an artificial action to try to get a link to our website, but we try to mask a natural for the finder does not get angry with us.

There is only a natural mechanism to get links and is called link baiting, which is nothing but generate valuable content which naturally originate this link building, to be shared on other websites.

How many links can I get?

You have to think that creating links that you earn with your link building strategy has to be constant and the number of links depend on the authority of the site.

If the site is new, the creation of these links should be slow and as natural as possible for Google not see an artificial link building.

But it is also important to know that many of the SEO techniques for building links no longer work such as; higher in the directory, web blogs and forums, etc.

Most best natural Link Building Strategies

1. Participate in Awards

One of the best link building strategies that will always exist and it's totally natural to present some awards and try to appear in the official list, so you will win a link great strength and importance, since in most awards. This link is "dofollow".

The duration of this bond can range from one year or indefinitely while till such awards exist.
From the point of view of the strategy of link building in these awards there are only 3 winners but all those who appear in the list with a link "dofollow" to your site, ie are not just 3 winners but 50 or 100 winners .

So regardless of the time you have your blog and the chances you have to win these awards, I recommend that you participate in all those awards where the domain has great authority and therefore can be transmitted great benefit to have a link on that page .
How do I know the authority of a site?

There are plugins and tools where we can know the authority of the domain of a page but mostly I like two.
They are:
Free plugin for professional and highly recommended for chrome.
MOZ Toolbar
Free plugin that we can use in Chrome and Firefox used to analyze the authority of a domain, among other things.

2. Infographics

The image itself speaks a lots of words than a words. So, by creating a good infographics we can get natural and authority backlinking. If you create an terrific infographics then every one can share your infographics in their blogs with relevant content and links are given to your blog. So, this type of natural link building helps you to get good authority and make you to stand first in Google search engine.

3. Guides, Manuals and eBooks

If you want to get natural links, the best strategy for link building that can be used in 2014 and in 2015 and always, is to publish content valuable to your audience.
In my opinion there are 5 types of content that allow you to boost your link building strategy naturally:
Guides and Manuals
They all have two things in common as it is too best on a value content and very useful .

Here, I give you an example of a post titled " How I made 46 Adsense Approvals In A Month and named as Adsense Goddess | A Case Study By Lasya K "that I published previous months and has won more number of social bookmarking and is also one of the post with more visits throughout the year. So, by writing such content you can get more natural authority and also your authority will be increased.

4. Quality Guest Blogging

The Guest Blogging is a tool if we use it,  this may be good one for the best link building tools that can be used for various reasons which I will explain below:
You choose the place where you want to do the link building. It is important that before taking this step use the site analyze tool SEMrush to verify the evolution of their positions in the search engine and rule other than a site penalized. It also analyzes the authority of the site.
You get links from authority. Remember that no authority is very difficult to position and capturing search engine traffic is very important so that you can get links from high authority to promote and improve your SEO.
You decide the frequency of collection. Through Guest Blogging it can perfectly control the dates of publications. I recommend you do not abuse this strategy, because then Google might consider it as a link building strategy is artificial. Write a couple of articles a month on other relevant blogs is more than enough, and tries to diversify the domains as they will have a greater value than posting many times on the same site.

5. Relational Link Building

This is a marketing strategy of references with which to get links "dofollow" and "nofollow" to our articles. By this strategy we can gain more and more followers and is having a great motivated in large part by the use of social media growth.

If you want to add real value to your articles and writing quality content articles then you have to mention other professionals in your industry to give greater credibility and quality to your post.

But this is also said to be as relationship marketing strategy. Because the author will receive notification in the mail that have linked one article and surely will thank us by diffusion in social networks, and even within his own article. Via trackback we get a "nofollow" link, is an example of how I got a link on a site, which in this case has an authority of 78 I leave.

It's always a great idea to mention articles from other professionals and this could eventually get many links "dofollow" and "nofollow" and connect with other professionals to help you improve your marketing strategy through social networks .

Contacting through social media to communicate with the professionals that you mentioned in your post, it always seems to be a good strategy, at least amplification content through social networks can reach tens of thousands of people within hours.

6. Improving your personal brand image

Someone may think,  what does the personal brand do with the link building? , but it certainly has a lot to do and a direct link I'll try to explain.

The personal brand image is a factor that gives us quality professional and therefore also conveys our content quality. To explain and make it more graphic just one example, as if the person writing the article in a reference in the sector. With the brand we can get many natural links without any difficulty. As if our writings are well known and increases our branding and this makes everyone to link to our sites and makes more popular of our site by sharing the content through different social networking sites.

7. Link Building Strategy about Quality but not Quantity

Some say that since the arrival of Panda 4.0 have to be publishing articles every day to improve our positioning in search engines, but this is not true. You must always prevail publish valuable content, quality and value above all. Quality content is key to the strategy of link building naturally.

In 2015 Link Building strategy will be linked to a more natural so we should try to get a few links but these links should be of high quality.

The good thing about getting links naturally is that we will never be penalized by future Google algorithm updates.

Tips for getting quality links

If you are just starting a new online project will come in handy with these 2 tricks to get more links you convey great strength and give a good push to your project. Both strategies are framed in a classic linkbuilding but refer to two domains with a very great authority on Internet and well regarded by the Google search engine.

1. Get 2 links "dofollow" from Alexa

Alexa is a domain with a very strong authority online (DA = 95) and is a great way to get 2 high quality links to your domain for only 9.95 dollars per month.

Alexa default will add a link to your page as you indexed, but this is a link "nofollow", but the two that allows the pro account alexa links are "dofollow" and this can come in very well to point to our main products, services or post.

2. Getting quality links in MOZ

In the next post I will bring a trick to  get quality links  from page MOZ and insert links "nofollow" and what you have to do to turn into links "dofollow". So, stay tuned here for the next post to get a step by step procedure to get "dofollow" links through MOZ.

I hope these link building strategies will be naturally to your site and will help you greatly to get quality links, and thus get a good push on your visibility within the major search engines.

About Author:

This article is written by Swaraj Mehta. He is a Widget Maker and Security Expert.


  1. the post is very nice and informative too...I have learnt a lot of things from the article....keep posting with lots more.....


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