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How to Add Load More Posts OR Infinite Scrolling to Blogger

Hemant Verma - 4:52тАпPM

Technology is running with rocket's speed :) and also technology is increasing in the world of web that why we can add as much as new features in the blog be'coz blogging is so much flexible than a website. So, we can add many new and professional features in our blog and same like it "There is an another feature named as LOAD MORE POSTS. Today you will get to know that how can we add that LOAD MORE POSTS or INFINITE POSTS SCROLLING. This is very simple and very easy to install but this effect made by jQuery.

Add Load More in Blogger

  • Login to Blogger > Dashborad
  • Click on Drop Down Menu and select Template
  • Backup your Template before making any changes to your blog
  • Now Click on Edit HTML
  • Press Ctrl + F and search the code shown below.


  • Paste below code before </head>

 <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
<script src='//'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
    container : '.blog-posts',
    item: '.post-outer',
    pagination: '#blog-pager',
    next: '#blog-pager-older-link a',
    loader: ''

  • Finally Save Your Template.

Final Words....!

Load More Post widget simply made  by using the jQuery and this can install very easily but adding the some simple codes, but as we said this widget made by jQuery you it can affect your template some where like javascript could be affect by this jQuery codes but don't worry it will not affect your other important plugins. So go and add this.


  1. Well, this is a very common issue with almost all the web designers and developers and everyone is found looking for the solution. The post is helping all those with a very good solution, allowing them to fix this issue very easily. A company offering custom web design service must use the solution shared here. For more design and development tips visit

  2. Thank you my friend

      But there is a problem with images threads when the script starts with the image resolution drops Do you have a solution to the problem

  3. Hi, I know I'm posting very late, But still, I need your help... You see, If I scroll down only once, It starts to load newer posts. How do I configure when this utility starts to load older posts?
    Thanks In Advance!

    1. Hi Gaming,
      Welcome on WG and thanks to share your thought here.

      Sorry for late reply but that are not newer posts when you scroll down, but they are older posts, newer posts always shows firstly.

      Thanks, keep visit daily here.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. nice thnxx..
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  6. Thank you for this tip ! Is it possible to translate "load more posts" into another language ? No found where... Thank you

  7. can you make it work with the newest .js


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