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10 Free Ways to Get Traffic to Your New Blog

Hemant Verma - 10:52 PM

When you go for free traffic you are sucking water from a very big well, the trouble is you are sucking along with every other blog master who wants free traffic, which is why free traffic methods can be so unfulfilled. Still, it is better to try the free and expect nothing than to forget about it and get nothing.

Let's Have Look Some SEO Points

1 - Add articles to article websites

This is a classic way that was forgotten when Google started closing down all the content farms, but the content farms are gone now. The article sites that are listed on Google are not there by mistake. They are there because you are search engine friendly and you can add articles to them and get a backlink back to your website to improve your search engine results position.

2 - Guest post on other blogs

This gets you those ever precious backlinks that you so crave and it may also get you a bit of direct traffic from the people who click on the links you put on other peoples blogs.

3 - Post links from your own blogs

If you have more than one blog then you should link from it. You can link every few weeks too since you are always posting new content every week. If you have a number of blogs then you can interlink them quite well for a decent search engine benefit. Try to link to a different page each time and do not make the mistake of always linking to your home page.

4 - Use SEO to get traffic from Google

There are lots of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques that you can try and if you work hard on it then eventually your website will rise up through the search engine results and you will start getting organic traffic on your website.

Google is the biggest search engine and so you will get the most of your organic traffic from there. Many of the tips on this article are all about SEO, so make sure you do not go the other way and start breaking Google’s rules.

5 - Install links on other people’s websites

Other people may charge you to install links on their website, and other people may be convinced to do it for free. Take advantage of the fact that you do not need to add an article to get a backlink, you just have to convince the other blog master that they should put a link on their website.

6 - Answer questions on Q&A websites and add a link

There are people who hunt out questions on those question-and-answer websites that they can answer with a link. They find them out and they use tools to find them out and they answer them with a linking. It is a little like fishing in that you have to wait until a good question is asked, but if you have tools to help you then it should be easy.

7 - Ask your friends on social media to spread the word

You should ask your friends if they will tell other people about your blog. Ask them to say nice things about it and to encourage others to visit. There is nothing wrong with asking your friends to share some of your content as it should only take them a few moments to do it.


8 - Participate in forums and convince people to visit

This is easy enough as it is free and easy to join forums. All you have to do is write in the forum for long enough and people will start listening to you to the point where you will be able to convince them to visit your website.

9 - Social media networks will send a bit

Do not rely on the adverts and websites that claim social media is this big beast that sends people lots of traffic because it is not true. If you have tried social media marketing then you know this already. Still, it is free to post on there so you may as well keep posting on there with the hopes that people will click on your link and visit your website.

10 - Cross-link your other websites

If you have other websites then it is time to start cross linking. Just how much you cross link is up to you, but after a certain point you will hit the limit of just how search engine friendly it is, so your best bet is to do it a bit but not too much.

About the Author
The guest post is written by Sonia Jackson from She writes essays on different topics and can give you useful advice.


  1. You've made some fantastic points, I think all of them come under the importance of attention to detail, if you get that right you're certainly off to a good start.

  2. Nice Article Hamant This is a Pretty Good Article for Newbies but Number is Not about Create Backlinks it,s About SEO and Its a Different Topic

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