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Add Scrolling Adsense Feature When Scroll Down at Page

Hemant Verma - 7:13 PM

As last we said about some Adsense Placing Space like RIGHT, LEFT, CENTER in the blogger but this tutorial is very different be'coz you can make scroll your ads when you scroll down the page and it will show at the bottom of the page. This widget is made by using the JavaScript codes and some little CSS codes which will give a certain good look to your adsense and feel it like a pro. but as we feel that codes are highly sensitive so you can only customize the CSS part and Scrolling effect but from myside I made smoothing scrolling as much as I can. Rest is depend on you.

Read Also- Adsense Unit Placing Pack

4. Add Scrolling Adsense Feature When Scroll Down at Page

Disclaimer:- This Widget Could be against Adsense Policy. So, Add it on your own risk

Add Scrolling Ad Units

  • Login to Blogger > Dashborad
  • Click on Drop Down Menu and select Layout
  • Add a HTML/JavaScript Gadget
  • Paste below code in it. 

<div id='BeH-Fixed'>
Place Your Adsense Codes Here

window.onload = function() {

  function getScrollTop() {
    if (typeof window.pageYOffset !== 'undefined' ) {
      // Most browsers
      return window.pageYOffset;

    var d = document.documentElement;
    if (d.clientHeight) {
      // IE in standards mode
      return d.scrollTop;

    // IE in quirks mode
    return document.body.scrollTop;

  window.onscroll = function() {
    var box = document.getElementById('BeH-Fixed'),
        scroll = getScrollTop();

    if (scroll <= 2509) { = "2510px";
    else { = (scroll + 1) + "px";

#BeH-Fixed {

  position: absolute;

  • Save Your Widget and You are done.

Make Changes....!

  • Replace Place Your Adsense Codes Here it with your Adsense OR Chitika Codes.

If Any Problem Comes, Ask in Comments


  1. @ admin

    Looking nice bt having some little bit of doubt that is this widget is adsense supportive?

  2. @Anonymous Yes this is fully adsense supportive as we use chitika ads in demo but first of fall we already checked it Google Adsense and it works. So, Don't Worry and Use it.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Hemant Verma

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. @Hemant Verma@ Hemant

    Thnkx for info, now my doubt is clear.

  5. @AnonymousHappy to see that your doubt is clear.

    Stay Tune with Us

  6. yarrrrrrrrrr its good but vro agr mei google adsense ki jaga kuch or xple: fb,g+ like box krna chahiye to us ky liye mjhy google code ki jaga unka code paste krna hoga na?????????

  7. @Sheikh ArsLan AfzaL Yes you are right, if you want to perform same action with it, then you may paste FB, G+, Twitter widget codes in it and It'll be play same like it.

  8. thank you thank you its working good

  9. Its nice but i think its against the google adsense policy. if google notice this they ll disable your adsense account.


  10. @Ashu InsanCould be but add it on your own risk.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Hemant Verma

  11. i have problem that when i place code it show rectangle ads in fix area not like that you say

  12. @Anonymousbro this is against policy of adsense your ads could be banned and your earnings would be 0. So, I will not recommend you to do this.

  13. @Desi HungamaWhen you will scroll down at the bottom then you will see it's animation and effect.

  14. @AnonymousThese ads are from the these use their own scripts which we can't copy and use in the adsense so if u want to add like that then go to and create your account and paste on your site then it will be your solution.

  15. not working this script i applied left side of my blog but its not doing any affect

  16. this way of showing ads is not available to all publishers, it is considered a violation except with an exceptional approval from adsense like a premium publisher e.g :

  17. its not work for me plz help me bro on this id


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