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Showing posts with label Tutorials. Show all posts

Add a Voicemail Box Widget and Let Your Users Send You a Voice Mail

Hemant Verma - 2:51 PM

If you have a blog then your audience would send some mails to you for asking their queries and many times you can't able to understand of their basic need of that particular question because they ask their queries in the text format, but there is new service OR could say that a new widget for bloggers by using that you can easily understand the needs of your customers means, What are they asking, What do they want from you, and How can you help them with more concentration and with more efficiency.

There is a new widget named as SpeakPipe which enables to your visitors to send a voice mail direct in your inbox and you can also reply them direct in their inbox.

Let Your Audience Sends you a Voice mail

  • Go to 
  • Click on Get Started Button
  • Simply create account with your email id and password and then click on Continue 
  • After this step, Confirm your email account in your mail box.
  • After Confirm your email account, Sign with your id and password
  • Now install the voice widget and choose your blogging platform (e.g. Blogger, Wordpress, Weebly etc)
  • Copy the codes of widget at Step no. 6 of SpeakPipe
  • and, Paste that code in HTML blank widget.
  • Congras, Now your users can easily send you a voice mail and they can ask their queries easily.

Final Words....!

This widget is also very helpful to us, and many visitors send their queries to us and we easily help them, by using this widget we can easily understand them and their queries. Our audience also is very happy by using this new service of Widget Generators, so we recommend this for you all.  

10 Free Ways to Get Traffic to Your New Blog

Hemant Verma - 10:52 PM

When you go for free traffic you are sucking water from a very big well, the trouble is you are sucking along with every other blog master who wants free traffic, which is why free traffic methods can be so unfulfilled. Still, it is better to try the free and expect nothing than to forget about it and get nothing.

Let's Have Look Some SEO Points

1 - Add articles to article websites

This is a classic way that was forgotten when Google started closing down all the content farms, but the content farms are gone now. The article sites that are listed on Google are not there by mistake. They are there because you are search engine friendly and you can add articles to them and get a backlink back to your website to improve your search engine results position.

2 - Guest post on other blogs

This gets you those ever precious backlinks that you so crave and it may also get you a bit of direct traffic from the people who click on the links you put on other peoples blogs.

3 - Post links from your own blogs

If you have more than one blog then you should link from it. You can link every few weeks too since you are always posting new content every week. If you have a number of blogs then you can interlink them quite well for a decent search engine benefit. Try to link to a different page each time and do not make the mistake of always linking to your home page.

4 - Use SEO to get traffic from Google

There are lots of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques that you can try and if you work hard on it then eventually your website will rise up through the search engine results and you will start getting organic traffic on your website.

Google is the biggest search engine and so you will get the most of your organic traffic from there. Many of the tips on this article are all about SEO, so make sure you do not go the other way and start breaking Google’s rules.

5 - Install links on other people’s websites

Other people may charge you to install links on their website, and other people may be convinced to do it for free. Take advantage of the fact that you do not need to add an article to get a backlink, you just have to convince the other blog master that they should put a link on their website.

6 - Answer questions on Q&A websites and add a link

There are people who hunt out questions on those question-and-answer websites that they can answer with a link. They find them out and they use tools to find them out and they answer them with a linking. It is a little like fishing in that you have to wait until a good question is asked, but if you have tools to help you then it should be easy.

7 - Ask your friends on social media to spread the word

You should ask your friends if they will tell other people about your blog. Ask them to say nice things about it and to encourage others to visit. There is nothing wrong with asking your friends to share some of your content as it should only take them a few moments to do it.


8 - Participate in forums and convince people to visit

This is easy enough as it is free and easy to join forums. All you have to do is write in the forum for long enough and people will start listening to you to the point where you will be able to convince them to visit your website.

9 - Social media networks will send a bit

Do not rely on the adverts and websites that claim social media is this big beast that sends people lots of traffic because it is not true. If you have tried social media marketing then you know this already. Still, it is free to post on there so you may as well keep posting on there with the hopes that people will click on your link and visit your website.

10 - Cross-link your other websites

If you have other websites then it is time to start cross linking. Just how much you cross link is up to you, but after a certain point you will hit the limit of just how search engine friendly it is, so your best bet is to do it a bit but not too much.

About the Author
The guest post is written by Sonia Jackson from She writes essays on different topics and can give you useful advice.

Add a Widi Subscription Box Widget for Blogger

Hemant Verma - 4:50 PM

Hello friends we are offline by some day be'coz of some reasons but we will try to continue going blogging for you all dear visitors and most important thing is for us that our blog is getting daily increased visitors as day by day, so this is all be'coz from you all dear visitors, so today we are here present with a new widget for blogger and this widget is come after a such long time be'coz widgets is not making these days and also not getting any idea for new widget just be'coz of the busy and hectic schedule, but this widget is live for you all. This is an Awesome Subscribe box which will allow your visitor to subscribe with your Blog post so that he may get your latest posts straight in his Email.  

How to Add Meta Blog Description Without Use Any Code

Hemant Verma - 7:17 PM

Creating a blog is very simple in these days but make it top on the search engines is a kind of difficult job some where but with some correct meta settings we can do it very easily, so to do this job we have to write the correct meta description of the blog but it's also a some where little difficult job be'coz we always have to write it by using the codes but blogger has been given us some new way to do this job without any code, we just have to write our meta description in the blog and then have to save it and our meta description will get enable directly on the search engines.

Add Meta Description of Blog without using code

  • Login to Blogger > Dashborad
  • Click on Drop Down Menu and select Settings
  • Click on Search Preferences
  • Click on Edit of Description

Let's See Image Example

Enter Your Description (like below)

How to Add Meta Tags for Each Post V2

Hemant Verma - 1:45 PM

As we all know that Meta Tags are very important for every single website in blogger and not also fr blogger it's also very important in every kind of website, blog, software and every kind of software and other things need search description, and We could say that search description is an another name of Meta tags for websites, blogs etc. But if meta tags could be added for every individual post in blogger without any code then it can be very helpful very a kind of big achievement for bloggers, be'coz then our SEO will be more powerful in search engines. As we wrote a last post about on this topic that how to add meta tags for each post and that also working trick of it but there is one drawback of that trick is that we had to add every meta tag code for every single post and also had to save in blogger template, so this i very time consuming trick and this also increase the loading time of template. So, today we have a  new and very simple trick for this task and you don't need to add code and also not have to save your template every time. 

Read Also -  Meta Tags Pack

2. How to Add Meta Tags for Each Post V2

Lets's Go for it

  • Login to Blogger
  • Go to Dashboard
  • Create a new post
  • After written by your whole article
  • Open SEARCH DESCRIPTION (on the right side of post editor)
  • Enter your SEARCH DESCRIPTION in that box (like in image below)
  • And, finally publish your article.

This a best and perfect way of adding meta tags for every post in blogger.

How Your Blog Should Look in the Home Page?

Hemant Verma - 4:59 PM

As we all knows that "First Impression is the Last Impression" if any one like your blog OR it's content then that person will definitely again visit your blog, and  home page is very important in the sense of blog be'coz users always take interest in the blogging than any website be'coz blog is always written by a person's choice and users 80% get the genuine things in the blog but not on the websites. So, that why your blog should be look professional in the home page.

How Your Blog Should Look in the Home Page?

    1. Above Fold

                   As we all knows about the newspaper, newspaper comes in the fold type position (like below)
This Newspaper is in Above Folding Position

Newspaper comes in the fold type position in the morning, and that position is called as "Above Fold" (Fold from above side). We can see in the newspaper all the top most news always looks on the above page and rest their story looks on the below page, so the concept of blog should be the same, some parts of article shows on the home page and rest part will be available on the below of that article when user will click on the topic.

The first thing people do when they reach a website then is to absorb as much information as possible before they start scrolling many of your users won't even bother scrolling.They will glance at the opening windows then click away.

Above Fold in Simple Words (In Blogging Language) 
A kind of read more hack where we show short article instead complete article (like in below image)

Here you can see the 2 articles but both are not complete article

2. Advantages of Above Fold

  • User can read many topics on the home page at a same time.
  • User will take interest atleast on the 2 topics.
  • User will open that article which he/she wants to read that will increase your pageviews in Google Analysis. 
  • If 1000 users directly visit on your home page of blog and they minimum read only two articles, it means you will get 4000 pageviews in a day be'coz if 1000 peoples visit on the home page and they will open first article and then go back and then open again new article then go back, it means only home page can give you 4000 pageview.

Final Words....!

So, this is very effective way that we can use the above fold position in the blog, that can increase the daily pageviews.

Finally Google Page Rank Updated | Check Some Fact About PR

Hemant Verma - 5:36 PM

As we all know that Google Page Rank was updating since a long time so many bloggers are taking tension about it but the wait has been ended be'coz finally Google Page rank has been updated and many bloggers took a big relief be'coz this PR updates took a very long time as we were also waiting for this PR update and when update came we also shocked to see it Widget Generators also got a good PR. PageRank, only one of hundreds of factors used by Google to determine best search results, helps to keep our search clean and efficient. Most of my blogger friends have done lots of link building through different ways to get high PR this time.They were regularly having an eye or PR Tools and updates from different sources about Google PR update. It is an important factor that helps you measure your blog’s success rate. Usually a well-established blog gets 3-5 page rank, leading blogs such as Mashable and TechCrunch have got PR8 for now.

What About Our Google PR?

Widget Generator's PR also updated and Your Blog Got 4 Google Page Rank

Facts about Google Page Rank?

  • Google always check the reputation OR importance of any blog / website by Google Page Rank.
  • PageRank is based on incoming links, but not just on the number of them – relevance and quality are important (in terms of the PageRank of sites, which link to a given site).
  • PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + … + PR(tn)/C(tn)). That’s the equation that calculates a page’s PageRank.
  • If you had a web page with a PR8 and had 1 link on it, the site linked to would get a fair amount of PR value. But, if you had 100 links on that page, each individual link would only get a fraction of the value.
  • Bad incoming links don’t have impact on Page Rank.
  • Lowered PageRank Leads to More Quality Links.
  • The page "A" ranks higher when it gets referred by another page "B", however just the number of referrals or links is not enough for a page to rank high. The rank of "B" site which refers user to site "A", is also important in determining the rank of site "A". To check the PR of a page, download Google toolbar or use Firefox plugin. PageRank is bit outdated Google technology. Today Google uses advanced algorithms in order to produce search results.
  • Content is not taken into account when PageRank is calculated.
  • PageRank does not rank web sites as a whole, but is determined for each page individually.
  • Each inbound link is important to the overall total. Except banned sites, which don’t count.
  • PageRank values don’t range from 0 to 10. PageRank is a floating-point number.
  • Each Page Rank level is progressively harder to reach. PageRank is believed to be calculated on a logarithmic scale.
  • Google calculates pages PRs permanently, but we see the update once every few months (Google Toolbar).

What PR will Suit to Your Page?

Google is also suitably vague about this (and, remember, they don't reveal it either: they only reveal the Toolbar PageRank), but, in essence, it is a logarithmic scale (like the Richter scale for measuring earthquakes) with a base of about 16.

So, that means that a PageRank of 2 is 16 times bigger than a PageRank of 1; a PageRank of 3 is 16 times better than a PageRank of 2, and so on. Just to give you an idea of some scales here:

  • PageRank 4 is 4,096 times better than PageRank 1
  • PageRank 5 is 65,536 times better than PageRank 1
  • PageRank 5.1 86,475 times better than PageRank 1
  • PageRank 7 is 4,294,967,296 (over 4 billion) times better than PageRank 1

So, hidden within that deceptively simple scale from zero to 10 is actually a massive range of importance. And this brings us nicely onto Toolbar PageRank. 

Final Words....!

We are happy that PR has been updated and many blogger friends are now relax but not completely relax be'coz now the task is to make remain this PR which you and we got but not only remain it same but to increment this PR with 1 OR 2 and we hope that you make it increment as you want, just post your content daily and get more and more visitors. All the best.  

What is Alexa Rank | How it Work | How to Improve Rank and Much More

Hemant Verma - 3:48 PM

What is Alexa?

Alexa is a web information company renown for their ranking program for blogs/website. They rank the blogs/websites & also provide little knowledge about the traffic stats & health of the blog.

According to Alexa right now they are measuring the more than 30 millions sites and there are more than 6 million visitors to their website in a month. With this record one can easily measure the importance of Alexa ranking.

Personally don’t think that alexa ranking has anything to do with the health of a blog & their algorithm is a fail.

Alexa Algorithm: How it works?

Knowing the algorithm is like half the work done. Alexa has a complex algorithm for ranking millions of blogs & it keeps changing their stats/ranks on daily basis.

Alexa officially clear the ranking algorithm with this statement

    The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to and pageviews on over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1

Myths & Facts about Alexa Ranking 

  • Alexa Doesn’t depends upon the traffic of your blog. 
  • The Ranking factor doesn’t depends upon your Adsense income.
  • Alexa Ranking has nothing to do with your blog SEO or your search Engine presence.

How to Improve Alexa Rank?

Bringing down the Alexa rank is not a tough job. Have a look and try to implement the tips.

1. Gain gentle visitors or Quality visitors

We strongly believe that the whole alexa algorithm is based on this Techy Visitor factor.

Suppose I am a quality visitor, i will be visiting only those website which are having a good reputation & a great content. The time spent & pageviews made by me will be considered a factor of quality. If i arrived there accidentally  i will bounce instantly but if i found quality content, my page views for that blog will be good.

Now the issue comes that How alexa knows if I am a quality visitor of not?  Here the alexa toolbar, website certification & other factors work.

If i am having a blog with good global rank and health, it would be working as an standard blog for comparing others. Alexa toolbar & website certification tells alexa that I am a reputed/quality visitor. (obviously there might be other factors for measuring the quality of visitor)

But after all the core concept is to gain quality visitors on your blog & try to make them your readers (by inviting them again and again). Social sharing might work for you (share with attractive titles & never spam) to invite them again on your blog. You may ask them directly to visit your blog.

Justification: At first when i created my first blog, i did all possible things to get a better alexa rank but it tool me 10+ months to get a rank under 1,00,000 but after that whenever I create a new blog, it takes only 15-30 days to get beat that rank & it is because i have a techie circle & i myself am a techie person (well, i consider myself a quality visitor ;) )


2. Praise, Support & Promote Alexa
Senseless but important as it helps alexa to run their algorithm, you need to praise alexa & its products/tools so that alexa could be able to track your activities.

First of all you have to install the Alexa toolbar in your browser. It is the basic and effective method to lower down the Alexa. Some more effective ways are following:

  • Claim Your Website at Alexa 
  • Install Alexa Toolbar at your browser
  • Ask people to review your website
  • Write reviews about Alexa 
  • Ask people to rate your website at Alexa
  • Put an alexa widget on your blog

Here you should notice an important point about Alexa ranking that Ranking is based on the amount of traffic recored form user that has the Alexa Toolbar installed in their Brower. It counts only that traffic which has Alexa toolbar, not all traffic.
Hence if your readers are having toolbar installed in their browser then their visit will be beneficial for your blog rank.

These are the general suggestion you can find at most of the blogs or in the form of suggestions but I couldn’t understand if it is true then why my every single blog gets a rank of under 100,000 within a month.

3. Write Regularly & Produce Quality Content

Frequently publish article after a regular interval so that you can get visitors for those articles & those articles will help you to get more visitors & needless to say that quality content can only help you to get a quality reader hence an improvement in alexa rank.

If you are not writing regularly then it is sure that your blog’s Alexa rank will go down & then it will be very hard to get back the rank. Hence never hesitate to login your dashboard & produce quality articles on  a regular interval.


4. Social Sharing & Promotion

Why losing a chance to invite techie/bloggers on your blog. After publishing every single article, promote it socially & try to target your audience. Sharing them on appropriate facebook groups, twitter & even social submission at dynamic bookmarking websites can bring you lots of readers & thus a jump in alexa rank.

After writing the post share your post/blog on social sites like, delicious etc. Because this type of social sharing always gives you quality visitors which help you to lower down the Alexa rank.

Especially the traffic from twitter & StumbleUpon is a quality traffic which might be very beneficial for you.


Faqs About Alexa Rank

How authentic is Alexa?
By checking the alexa ranking of a blog/website, you can get an overview of its health but taking it too seriously is foolishness. Unlike Google algo, alexa algorithm has many loopholes & hence we can not call it an authentic.

How often Alexa updates it ranking?
Alexa updates its ranking daily. Depending upon the ranking slab, you might be able to observe the changes. The rank variation becomes slow when you enter the competitive field. This is the saturation point for your blog & here you need to work hard for a better rank and to compete with others.


Why backlinks are not being updated?
Alexa updates the number of backlinks on a long interval (probably after a gap of 1-3 month) hence if you have created backlinks for your blog, you can not see the changes in real time.


Is a good Alexa ranking Profitable for Business?
Undoubtedly  yes, Alexa ranking matters a lot to many (& its a fact that even you are reading this because you care about alexa). After Google PageRank, Alexa rank plays a major role in online business deals.


Our Opinion on Alexa and Why You Need Better Alexa Rank
In my point of view Alexa is 90% better than the other tools to measure the site but sometimes it shows wrong stats. As 2-3 times I had seen the blogs having Page Rank 3+ but not having good Alexa Rank. What to say about these stats?

But after all, there is no alternative of Alexa & today Alexa is the best website monitoring tool & the plus point is that it is free for everyone.

Your Alexa rank can bring some good deals for you because alexa has a great user base & popularity. It is used by almost every business expert/employee to get an overview of website health. A good alexa rank can help you to create a gravity of your blog/website.

Interesting Facts About Google Adsense

Hemant Verma - 12:36 AM

Stories are very important for all of us when we saw a very successful thing around us, by which we can earn money in a proper genius way. As we all read stories of that born of Google, Born of Facebook etc. and also born of Blogger, and the myths and some interesting facts are always available related with every thing like Google, Facebook etc. So, here are some interesting and untold facts about the Google's Money Generator (Adsense Program: By which we can monetize OR we can earn money from internet)   

Interesting, Untold Fact About Google Adsense

  • Google Adsense customer support doesn't have a telephone number.
  • Google sells your advertising space for you.
  • Content-targeting technology means AdSense ads are relevant to your site's traffic.
  • If you are not yet 18, you may have a parent or guardian submit an application using their name as the payee name.
  • If you see a Google image ad that you feel is inappropriate or misleading, please click the Feedback: Ads by Google link below the image ad.
  • AdSense publishers are permitted to click on link unit topics on their web pages, provided that they do not click on any Google ads on the resulting page. 
  • Google doesn't allow you to open Google ads in a new browser window.
  • Reports on impressions and clicks are usually updated every fifteen to thirty minutes
  • Grow your Traffic for more money: Improve your traffic first, most of the bloggers tries to improve their ad clicks by placing ads in different places and experimenting other things, instead of all these your first job is to bring traffic to your website.
  • AdSense Earning = Impression-count x Click-though-rate x Cost-per-click x smart-pricing-factor. Viewing your on website will not get you banned. Just make sure you don’t click on the ads.
  • First impressions count: make sure the ad unit with the highest CTR is the first ad unit in the HTML code of your page. Keep in mind that the first ad unit in the source code is not always the first ad unit that your users will see when the page finishes loading in their browser.”
  • However, repeatedly reload your page to jack up page impressions can get you banned. Click-through-rate (CTR) is ratio of clicks per impressions. It can range from 0.1% to 30%, but most commonly around 1% to 10%.
  • The eCPM column in your reports will display the effective CPM of your combined CPC and CPM activity.
  • CPM ads can be either text or image ads, and are always site-targeted. CPM text ads will expand to take up the entire ad unit.
  • If you got that another site is illegally copying the contents of your site, you may send a notice of alleged infringement by following the procedure at When you have sent the notice, please notify Google and they will take appropriate action. (See Demo Here that is coping my content without my permission and I reported that website to DMCA and they took a very good action and blog has been removed by Google in just 2 working days)
  • If the AdSense code is placed on pages with content primarily in an unsupported language, Google may show public service ads or ads in another language.
  •  Putting ads on your site won’t hurt your traffic. There are 6 sorts of bloggers’ income: Google Adsense, Donations (e.g. PayPal), Text Link Ads (sold for a fixed amount per month), Chitika eMiniMalls ads (pay per click), affiliate programs like Amazon, Advertising sold to individual advertisers (three-month campaigns or longer)
  • Google sends the highest CPC Ad for the first zone of your site that loads first. That means if your 768 x 60 px ad size is the first ad which gets display first, then this will be the ad which will be having the maximum CPC compare to your other two ads on your page.
  • The AdSense crawler is different from the Google crawler.
  •   You can get genuine Google Adsense account approved with many 3rd party accounts like :

  • If you are unable to save custom color palettes, make sure your browser is set to allow cookies and JavaScript is enabled. Clear your browser cache and delete all cookies before attempting to save your color palettes again.
  • AdSense for search top queries are the top 25 queries performed on your AdSense for search box within a given date range. Only queries that receive two or more hits will be displayed in the list of AdSense for search top queries. If your site has a low volume of traffic, you may not see any top queries listed because each query is unique.
  • You may notice that after you place the AdSense ad code on a web page, you do not receive the most relevant ads. The relevancy of Google ads on your pages will improve over time.

Generate Maximum Revenue via Ads Units

  • Ads placed near rich content and navigational aids usually do well because users are focused on those areas of a page. on pages where users are typically focused on reading an article, ads placed directly below the end of the editorial content tend to perform very well.
  • We have a feature in the AdSense account where you are able to multi-select different color palettes that blend with your site to add some variety and freshness to the ads. And that also will help decrease ad blindness.
  • Format is important for multiple ad units, display your ad units where repeat users will notice them, place a leaderboard immediately after the last post.
  • The middle, above the fold location performs the best. Best performing ad format is the large rectangle, 336×280. So the wider ad formats are doing better than the other ones and the reason is that they actually take up fewer lines. And so with every additional line, you have a chance of losing that interested user.
  • So the wider formats do best so specifically, the top three formats are the 336×280 that you see on the page; the 300×250 medium rectangle; and then the 160×600 wide skyscraper.
  • The second most active placement in terms of click-throughs tends to be the right-hand rail or margin. Skyscrapers and vertical banners do well when placed next to the content in the main body. Square and rectangle ads placed within the center column also do well, provided they are placed in context to the content. Ads placed below the fold tend to perform least well, although that isn’t a hard-and-fast rule.
  • You can put upto 3 AdSense units on a page. For short articles, CTR is best when ads are placed just above the content. For long articles, CTR improves if ads are placed somewhere in middle of the content. Go Wide – the large rectangle 336×280 is the best paying adsense format.

10 Tips to Find the Best WordPress Hosting

Hemant Verma - 8:23 PM

Here are some tips to help you find a good hosting package that is suitable for a WordPress blog. There are many types of website you may create, but a WordPress blog includes certain features that suit a range of different hosting services. For example, a WordPress blog is less in need of a lot of hosting space, as it does not often feature large video or image catalogues. There is not even a massive need for lots of bandwidth if the blog is suitably optimized. Here are nine tips to help you find the right host for you.

Find Best WordPress Hosting

1. A secure hosting service

Security is a big deal because you have to take such care of it from your end too. The hacker has two ways of getting access to your blog. Either he/she attacks from the front and hacks your WordPress account, or from the back and gains access via the server. If the server is unprotected, then it won’t matter which security plugins you have or how strong your password is because the hacker will still have control of your blog.

2. A company you pay for

Free hosts are very dubious unless you are going through a company such as the Google Blogger program. Otherwise there is always a catch, and it may be anything from charging you later on, to scraping your online traffic for credit card numbers or email addresses. Free hosts may be nice, but unless you do not care about security too much--they are probably not for you.

3. Read reviews

Keep a look out for the negative ones, as they are more often the accurate ones. The occasional bad review is natural, and the hosting services without any negative reviews are probably censoring reviews. Look for consistencies and trends with negative reviews. If a few people are complaining about one element, then that element is probably a true fault with the company.

4. A company that will let you go

You may not realize it, but it is very important that the host does not have a bad reputation for not letting people break contracts, or for being sluggish after a hosting period is over. They may keep your website online so that you cannot switch hosts, which is a very bad situation to be in.

5. Be wary of their down-time amount

Their downtime cannot be more than 2% or Google will punish your blog. Just a 2% downtime is seven days, and most hosts should easily be able to boast a 98% or more uptime. All servers have to go down at some point, so be careful of hosts that claim they have a 100% uptime and claim that their service never goes down, as this is very difficult to pull off.

6. A company that will allow you to upgrade

Ideally you want to upgrade the amount of hosting space you have on your blog as time goes on. You may wish to add more files, or your blog may start to take up more space than you have. The company should allow you to upgrade, and the company should also charge a reasonable price for upgrades, as a common con is to hook you in with a cheap starter package and then charge a lot of money to upgrade it.

7. A maintenance schedule is a good thing

If they have a maintenance schedule then it shows that they care about their server maintenance, and it shows that they care about your website or blog. You may be having a big promotion on one of the days that they are planning on taking the service offline. If they have a schedule then you can arrange your website and blog activities around their maintenance.

8. The file transfer procedures are not shaky

There are times when software bugs make your blogging life a little harder. There is nothing worse than having this happen when you are transferring files from your computer to your blog. It is horrible to have to lose files or have to keep restarting your file transfer.

9. Shop around a little

It is not all about getting a better price, but it is possible to get lower priced packages that are good quality. That is why you should shop around and try to find a package that both suit your purposes and that is not too expensive. There are lots of companies that advertise an awful lot and then have to make up for it by charging people like you a lot more.

10. Bandwidth should be plentiful and upgradeable

The bandwidth controls what people can see and how many can see it. Do not start out by buying lots, as your traffic numbers will probably not require it. But, as your blog becomes more popular, you need to be sure that your host is going to allow you to upgrade your bandwidth allocation.

Difference Between .com .net .in .org and in Other Domains

Hemant Verma - 2:24 PM

Domain are very important in the sense of websites and for their life long also when we try to make any website then first thing always hits in our mind which is related with domain that what should be the name and what should be the extension like should it .com OR .in OR .net etc. and Many peoples can't distinguish between the .com and in others domain extensions. So today you can get here difference between in .com domains and in other extensions domain, with explanations be'coz every domain is important and every domain originally had a unique purpose.

Let's Check Difference in them

1. Generic Domains 

In World of Websites and  Internet 3 domains always dominates to other domains .com   .net    .org
  • .com: for Commercial Uses (for-profit) websites
  • .net: for Network-related domains
  • .org: for Non-profit organizations like NGO's OR govt websites.

.COM:   Domains ending with .COM are generally intended to be used for commercial businesses, which is why they're the most commonly seen domains in the United States.

.NET:     Domains ending with .NET are usually intended for networking services and internet service providers such as Comcast or AT&T's residential email addresses. For instance, an AT&T employee who also used AT&T for their home service would use for their business email, but for their residential address.

.ORG:    .ORG domains are usually intended for non-profit organizations.

There's nothing legally preventing anyone from using a .ORG domain for a for-profit business, or a .NET domain for a nonprofit group. Many companies snap up all three variants in order to help protect their branding.

2. TDL's Domains

TDL's domains can't register by any simple person be'coz if you want to start a website with .sports then you have to show OR give proof that you are related with sports business and you have a very big turnover for this sports related things, then you can only register that domain.

For example, the popular .ly domain, notably used by and other URL-shortening services, is actually the country-specific domain for Libya. It allows largely open registration, although there are some restrictions around the type of content a website with a .ly TLD can contain.

There are other TLD's which are restricted to certain entities. For example, .GOV can only be used by divisions of the federal, state or local government ( or, for instance). .EDU is restricted to public universities and other educational institutes, and .MIL is restricted to divisions of the U.S. military.

May I Register a TDL Domain for small website?
Answer is Yes, because there are several other TLDs which are available for just about anyone to use, including .BIZ, .INFO. .US and .TV, as well as a whole host of other, more exotic international TLDs which are rarely used in the United States (and which tend to cost considerably more).

Google Said....
We’re just beginning to explore this potential source of innovation on the web, and we are curious to see how these proposed new TLDs will fare in the existing TLD environment. By opening up more choices for Internet domain names, we hope people will find options for more diverse—and perhaps shorter—signposts in cyberspace.

You can view the list of gTLDs Google applied

3. Difference between .COM and .IN

Generally, there is no difference in between both domain but Search Engine will automatically target users from INDIA if you use .in domain.

.com is to target global users.
So if your main target are Indian visitors then go for .in otherwise take .com

How to Create eBooks Without Any Software | Freee

Hemant Verma - 2:48 PM

Hello frndssSSS.... from the last many times I was finding a best, simple, free way to create eBooks and I also found some tricks by which I can create eBooks (in PDF format) but they all are is not that much reliable for me and also not flexible not also free :) So, I also asked with my some frnds also asked to some online frnds but not only a single person tell me the good way to create eBooks but one day I read some about the eBook but I didn't understand that be'coz the language was very very technical so I asked about it with my one frnd Mr. Amit Dey and gave that link to him and he explained me about that particular stanza, then I got that How we can create a good eBook without any cost and without any software and then I try to do that and I created a ebook in just one step. So, I also want to share that trick with all of yous. 

Let's Get How to Create eBook in Just Two Simple Steps

Step Ist  -  Create eBook (Write Content)

  • First Open MS - Word and Write Your Whole Content in it with Images, Links, Starting Cover etc.
  • After that Save Your File With Any Name (Remember don't Change File Extension Name)

Step IInd  -  Create eBook (Convert Word Doc to PDF File)

  • Open Convert Online Free Website
  • Click on Browse Button and Select File and then Click on Convert Button (like in below image)

  • After that, A POP-UP window will come, and you have to click on Save button to Save that converted file.
  • and Save Hurry, be'coz your ebook is ready for use.

Final Words....!

We always believe to help in Peoples and to Share our knowledge with other peoples, and that is what that we try to do here from last 4 months and we got very good results from our all dear visitors. So, THANK YOU MUCH FOR YOUR LOVE. Keep Stay Tune With Us.

How to Set a Custom Channel Name in Youtube

Hemant Verma - 10:14 PM

Custom names are going to set in every sector of internet like custom link, custom blog link, so same as youtube also giving a small service and you can create a custom a channel name in your own youtube channel, if you create a custom channel name in youtube then your visitors can easily search your channel name, and that will be more easy for getting the more and more youtube views on your videos, but remember you can set it only once and you can't change that channel name in future and also can't repalce it with any other channel name.

Set a Custom Channel Name in Youtube

  • Open
  • Sign in with your google OR gmail account.
  • See below video and Follow all steps

Final Words....!

As I posted this tutorial be'coz we recently create a our youtube channel and when I want to set their custom channel name then I got many problems in this task be'coz that's some where difficult be'coz youtube didn't give direct option for setting the custom channel name, after I ask to my friend Kartik and he told me how to set that custom name, so I set that name successfully and I want to share it with my visitors and friends. So, Be Happy and Keep Blogging :)

Reduce Unwanted CSS Codes from Blogger and Load Fast Your Template

Hemant Verma - 7:33 PM

Our visitors always ask about the fast loading template and they always complain me that their blogger template is taking too much of time in loading and the reason behind it, is very simple this is due to some codes of blogger template and that could be jQuery codes, JavaScript codes and could be happen be'coz of CSS codes and this kind of problem mostly occur by the CSS codes be'coz CSS codes include many kinds of codes and other functions and many times we add unwanted codes so this could be a simple reason, but we can't detect that unwanted codes of CSS means in simple words, it's very difficult to find useable and unusable CSS codes for our blogger template and we can't find manually. So, we have to use some kind of tool OR online support for reducing unwanted CSS codes from our blogger template.

Reduce Unwanted CSS Codes

We (or personally) use Clean CSS ( for reducing the unwanted CSS codes, and this is vey nice and helpful online tool for reducing the unwanted CSS codes.

Advantages of Clean CSS

  • Reduce unwanted CSS codes 
  • It helps you get smaller CSS file sizes and better written code.
  • It helps you with shorthand coding.
  • The optimizer works actually lets you decide how much compression you want.
  • It takes your CSS code and makes it cleaner and more concise. 

How to use it in blogger?

  • Login to Blogger > Dashborad
  • Click on Drop Down Menu and select Template
  • Backup your Template before making any changes to your blog
  • Now Click on Edit HTML 
  • Press Ctrl + F and search the code shown below.


  • and, Copy all the codes between <b:skin>  to ]]></b:skin>
  • Paste all that codes in and click on below Process CSS button
  • Wait for round about 10-15 sec and your CSS codes will be clean without errors.
  • and paste cleaned codes in between <b:skin>  to ]]></b:skin>
  • jkh and after paste codes in blogger template. 
  • Save your template and that will be load fast.

Final Words....!

We will recommend it to you but do it on your own risk be'coz it could also delete your some important codes which may be important for blogger template but cleancss detect that codes are spam OR unwanted, but it's 99% safe be'coz I personally use it several times and every time it gave his 100% result.

    Blogger Template - Tutorial 1: Basic Design of Blogger Template

    Hemant Verma - 2:39 PM

    Hello, Frnds Hope you are doing well with your blog and also with your life, From Today we are planing to tell you about the template designing be'coz We all want to use the new and professional blogger templates for our blogs and when we want to plan to create our  blog then our first basic and very important need is template and we all want to use latest template with some self developing features but mostly we can't get all that features in a same template and after that we have to create that template are self, and creating a template is not that simple as we think and also not that hard as we homed it in our mind :)

    How to Transfer Your Feedburner Subscribers to AWeber

    Hemant Verma - 5:48 PM

    Our team always would have recommended FeedBurner as an RSS tool. FeedBurner was a free RSS tool that let you collect email addresses and automatically send subscribers emails every time you would publish a blog post.

    However, FeedBurner was purchased by Google in 2006, and in late 2012, Google shut down FeedBurner’s API. It is now said that FeedBurner will soon disappear completely. Before FeedBurner is gone for good, what should you do with all of your blog subscribers?

    FeedBlitz is the most equivalent service to Feedburner. However, it’s not free — you pay by number of email subscribers, and if you have over 1,000 subscribers that’s already $30 per month. 
That’s why I recommend using an Email Service Provider (ESP) called AWeber to manage all of your email marketing, including your RSS subscription emails. AWeber is $1 for the first month, and $19 per month thereafter for up to 500 subscribers
– and you can use it to manage all of your email marketing, not just your blog subscription emails. It’s used by many top bloggers today.

    What is Link Buliding Tutorial Part - I

    Hemant Verma - 6:35 PM

    Link Building is a very important part of increasing the value of your website and of your blog if your links are good then it means your website / blog has a very good value in the social market also on Internet. In this tutorial you get to know about Link Building and every aspect of Link Building. Our team suggest me a very good idea that we should share article related with link building in details so that newbies can understand it from the basics and also that will be helpful for them. Link Building is simply known as to connect your website to another to another one, to another second and so on, and if our website is connecting with big sites like facebook, Google, and other Social media then it can give lots of money on the daily basis.

    Now Adsense is Giving Reasons that Why Your Adsense Suspended

    Hemant Verma - 7:12 PM

    Google is going to launch their new service related with adsense you all knows very well that when someone starts do violence with the policies of Google Adsense then Adsense banned OR suspend their adsense account without giving any reason ankd you also can't get any reason from Google but Google is launching a new service that "If Your Adsense Account Banned by the Google then Google will Give You that Reason of Suspension".

    Add a Round Hover Effect in Images at Post V2

    Hemant Verma - 9:13 PM

    Hello frnds as you know that last time you got a tutorial about add the hover effect in all images as a shadow effect and in this post you get to know that how to add a circle hover effect in the images like as you can see in the live demo in the below image. This is very simple trick and this is possible by the CSS code, you just have to add some CSS codes and you will be able to do this task. Hope you will gonna like it. It will gonna fun with it.

    Custom Web Design vs Website Template

    Hemant Verma - 12:31 PM

    A custom web design means using a website designer to create your website from scratch, or building it yourself from scratch using your own knowledge of CSS and HTML. Using a website template is a little different. It may involve having most of the code written for you already, but it normally involves using a content management system program (CMS). This is a program that gives you a template or a skeleton website, and then allows you to add things to it and alter it without having to write the code yourself. You design the website on the platform, and the associated tools write the code for you.

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